Workplace Wellness

The YMCA of Coastal Georgia has become many things to many people, but always with the goal of serving people by strengthening their spirit, mind and body. Today, the YMCA serves businesses and professional people from all walks of life as they seek new skills, improve their physical condition, continue their education, and in many cases, relax and fellowship in a healthy and friendly environment.

By joining the YMCA of Coastal Georgia, your company joins more than a gym. The YMCA is a movement of thousands of people making positive changes in their lives and the lives of others in the community. With locations in Chatham, Liberty, Bryan, Bulloch, McIntosh, Glynn and Effingham County, the YMCA is a premier provider of family health and wellness.

According to The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism, companies that participate in a corporate wellness program can expect the following benefits:

Contact Mary Arocha, vice president of healthy living and corporate wellness, for more information on joining the Y movement.

Mary Arocha
[email protected]
(912) 547-7138